Angelena Bonet, Founder & CEO of Crystal Heart Productions, is an Australian multi-award winning documentary filmmaker, singer-songwriter, actress and humanitarian. She has created six documentary films, their original soundtracks and two web series Heart Of The Matter and The Angelena Bonet Show. She writes, directs, edits and produces her work in their entirety, including co-writing and singing the soundtracks and describes it purely “as a labour of love”! Angelena's work includes a documentary feature film tetralogy consisting of Angelena: Change The World, Angelena: Heart Of The Matter, Angelena: Light At The End Of The Tunnel and Angelena: Warrior Woman which are all available to rent and buy on Vimeo On Demand. She has also created a documentary short film Change The World which all feature the Original Music Soundtrack she co-wrote and sung from her heart and soul with her late fiancé, Erick Deeby. He had written and recorded instrumental pieces of music for her between 2005 and 2007 then suddenly and unexpectedly passed away three days after they got engaged in August 2007. She then wrote the lyrics and melody to his music after his devastating death and during her time of deepest grief. Angelena is proud to share her story and songs, which have won more than 400 film and music awards worldwide, including numerous ‘Best Inspirational Film’, ‘Best Social Justice Film’, ‘Best Original Song’ and ‘Best Original Soundtrack’ awards. She is also the recipient of the ‘Humanitarian Award’ at the Jane Austen International Film Festival in the U.K, the ‘Human Spirit Award’ at the DOCS Without Borders Film festival in The Bahamas and winner of the coveted ‘Grand Prix | Best Woman Director’ 2021 Overall Season at the Nicomedia International Film Awards in Turkey. Her online talk show Heart Of The Matter has also won the ‘Social Awareness Award’ (Award of Excellence) at the Vegas Movie Awards, whereby the category was specially created by the jury after being inspired by her show. Her show is dedicated to having women’s voices heard and is available on YouTube. Angelena has been a Jury member for the past four years of The Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts Awards (AACTA), is a member of Tiff and was a guest Jury member for the 2022 Roshani International Film Festival in India. As a journalist, Angelena is a member of the International Association of Press Photographers and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Press List.
Born in Sydney, Australia as Elena (Elli) Bennett, Angelena describes her evolution in life as the growth from Elli Bennett, world class model to Angelena Bonet, activist, journalist, singer-songwriter and documentary filmmaker. She is dedicated to stopping the silent epidemic of abuse and to helping others rise above their pain and adversity by making their voices heard. As a commercial model Elli (Angelena) worked extensively worldwide with billboards in New York City and throughout Australia where she was named "Australian Supermodel". Elli was featured on the cover of the three biggest selling issues of "Inside Sport" Magazine, including the Olympics issues and as covergirl for the Sports Model of the Year issue. Featured on billboards for brands such as Panasonic and Annabella Lingerie, she modelled for Elle MacPherson’s Intimate Apparel range and was featured in TV commercials for 2Day FM radio, McDonald's and Pepsi among others. As a performer and entertainer for 20 years, highlights of Elli's work includes JAG, Ghostly Encounters, Suits, My Husband My Killer and the role of ‘Robyn’ for two years on the Australian soap opera Breakers (which aired in more than 50 countries). She also played the lead in Canadian rock band Silverstein's film clip American Dream and was a featured host for NBC's film festival series and The FIFA World Cup Show. Elli was a judge for the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Pageants, was interviewed and co-hosted numerous times on The D'Anise Show (Toronto) and has worked with Jay Leno warming up audiences for The Tonight Show in Los Angeles. After modelling in Europe, Elli began putting more energy into her music, and creating her unique sound while living in Kings Cross, Sydney. Then her fiancé of three days unexpectedly passed away in 2007. During her recovery from her devastating loss, she traveled to work in the US and Canada and decided to settle in her new home of Toronto. While visiting Australia in May 2012, Angelena had another life changing experience, whereby she was a victim of a violent crime. She took much needed time away from the limelight to heal and then officially retired from modeling. In what she defines as a 'rebirth', she emerged as Angelena (a combination of her confirmation name, Angela, with her given name Elena). She describes those traumatic experiences as the most excruciating yet transformative time in her life where she has found her voice and purpose. She has dedicated her life to working for the end of violence against women and to easing others' pain through her work. She says “the way I see it… it’s all about turning tragic into magic!”

Angelena is a warrior in the fight to end violence against women. With a fierce commitment to helping victims heal and take back their life, she brings to bear a multitude of talents, wisdom and personal experience. Only from the depths of her despair and darkest days has she truly found her voice and the courage to share about her experiences and to speak out. Angelena wanted to make a difference in the world and bring to light issues generally swept under the carpet. Before the #MeToo movement had begun, she decided to create and launch her production company, Crystal Heart Productions, in Toronto in 2014 with the intention of interviewing women and girls all around the world and from all walks of life for an online talk show Heart Of The Matter, and thus allowing women’s voices to be heard. She then included interviews with women's rights leaders such as President Obama's Women's Equality Advisor Tina Tchen, Tony award-winning playwright and activist Eve Ensler, CEO of Canadian Women's Foundation, Paulette Senior and Australian Journalist, Tracey Spicer, to name a few in her sequel Angelena: Heart Of The Matter which has won numerous film festival awards worldwide. Bonet has also served as the Australian Ambassador for World Mental Health Day, an official blogger for OXFAM, a public speaker at V Day One Billion Rising Organization events and a current member of the RAINN Organization Speaker Bureau in Washington D.C. She sends a powerful message of self-love and healing through her documentary films as well as her singing, songwriting, public speaking engagements and her non-profit work. Based on her life experiences and connections with people from all walks of life, Angelena tells us “it is crystal clear to me that love and forgiveness really are the keys. They can and do conquer all”. From Australian supermodel to multi-award winning documentary filmmaker, singer-songwriter, actress and humanitarian her message is one of peace, love and unity…
“When we stand together, with united voices, we can change the world.”

“I interview inspirational women all around the world and from all walks of life.”

“Look around. Look at your women friends and family. Odds are that one in three of you has been or will be a victim of gender based violence. In some countries, the rate of this abuse is as high as 70%. But statistics are one thing. It is another when it happens to you or someone you love. I know… and that is why I am here – to share my story, to speak the truth and to make a difference. Like the moon emerging from the eclipse, let us share the victorious journey from the darkness back into the light. This is what I want for you. In fact, it is what I am all about. Your truth and your healing.”
Angelena has aligned herself with numerous non-profit organisations that support women and girls. After the horrific crime that almost took her life in May, 2012 she knew she wanted to ease other's pain and help empower other women and protect girls and future generations. The Angelena Bonet Show has covered many events both in Australia and Canada and is committed to shining a light on important issues that humanity is yet to resolve. She has interviewed global women's rights leaders such as Tina Tchen (CEO Time’s Up/President Obama's Women's Equality Advisor), Paulette Senior (CEO of Canadian Women's Foundation) and Tony award-winning playwright and activist, Eve Ensler, Founder of the V Day One Billion Rising Organisation. Angelena feels honoured to lend her voice and connect with such incredibly kind and selfless people and stand with causes close to her heart. Full interviews and footage are documented in her films and are available to buy or rent on Vimeo On Demand. Angelena believes that when we come together, with united voices, we can change the world. Love and forgiveness really are the keys to freedom and a peaceful world.